Expert meeting 24 & 25 April 2019 Amsterdam
− 3 min readThe objective of this meeting was to bring together experts in robotics and artificial intellingence, policy-makers and scientists.
Goal Expert Meeting
The Technequality consortium organised an Expert Meeting that brought together three types of experts. First, experts at the forefront of creating disruptive technologies provided insight into new job opportunities and into the type of job tasks that can be automated. Second, experts with relevant knowledge of skill requirements in occupations and labour markets shed light on plausible scenarios for the adoption of new technologies and the implications for the future of work. Third, policy experts from various levels of government formulated policy implications based on the discussions in the Expert Meeting. This meeting provided direct input for the innovative models our consortium is building for assessing implications of technological innovations for European labour markets, (2) helped us to better understand how innovations are most likely to change European economies, and (3) helped our scholars to co-create policies with European governments and the European Commission.
Presenting participants and topics presented (see programme):
Glenda Quintini (Senior Economist at OECD): “How automation is affecting skill demand and what we can do about it”
Jesse Scholtes (Project Manager Robotics at Eindhoven University of Technology): “Robots in the open – development challenges from an engineering perspective”
Arwen Peters (Marketing & Communication Coordinator at Olmia Robotics): “Are cobots changing the way we work?”
Pascale LeBlanc (Associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology) & Hannah Berkers (Postdoctoral Researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology): “Working with or against the machine: how to optimize human-robot collaboration in the workplace”
Dr. Wolfgang Hildesheim (Director of Watson & Artificial Intelligence, IBM DACH): “AI – What works? What does not work? Opportunities for new jobs in Europe”
Prof. Michel Dumontier (Professor of Data Science at Maastricht University): “Embracing the emerging AI economy with FAIR data and services”
Dr. Carl Frey (Co-Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment at the University of Oxford): “Automation and work: past, present and future”
Prof. Steven Dhondt (Senior Researcher at TNO): “Taming the potential. Understanding the competences of companies to deal with the future”
Tim Schokker & Ted Reininga (Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science): “Netherlands 2040: education and future labour market”
Ieva Reine (Swedish Social Insurance Agency), Joanna Napierala (European Commission), Santo Milasi (European Commission): Panel discussion
Non-presenting participants
Michiel Bal (KU Leuven); Maaike Bierman (Maastricht University); Dr. Martin Ehlert (Berlin Social Science Center); Prof. Didier Fouarge (Maastricht University); Dr. Marie-Christine Fregin (Maastricht University); Prof. Andries de Grip (Maastricht University); Sophie Heald (Cambridge Econometrics); Dr. Pantelis Koutroumpis (University of Oxford); Siim Krusell (Kutsekoda); Prof. Mark Levels (Maastricht University); Dr. Raymond Montizaan (Maastricht University); Annarosa Pesole (European Commission); Sandra Reuse (Advisor German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs); Dr. Triin Roosalu (Tallinn University); Dr. Eve-Liis Roosmaa (Tallinn University); Prof. Ellu Saar (Tallinn University); Sven Semet (IBM); Alistair Smith (Cambridge Econometrics); Prof. Heike Solga (Berlin Social Science Center); Melline Somers (Maastricht University); Prof. Rolf van der Velden (Maastricht University); Dr. Robert Went (Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid)