Policy Advisory Board and Consortium Meeting 7 and 8 October 2020

− 1 min read

These meetings were held on 7 and 8 October respectively.

During the Policy Advisory Board (PAB) we discussed with Policy Advisors about the first Technequality Policy Brief. We had interesting discussions, which will be continued per mail or in seperate meetings, because we run out of time. It is not just about explaining our results to the PAB members, but we like to hear from them what information they need us to provide (if we can) and how we can reach more policy-makers.  Our presentation '' Scenario's for the Impact of Automation on Work in Europe'' can be found here.


The Consortium Meeting was at first planned in Brussels in June, but had to be postponed because of COVID-19. As travelling through Europe is still not possible at this moment, we organized a digital meeting. Some of the results were shared amongst the large number of team members present and after that we had break-out sessions where all team members discussed in smaller groups about what they could do to to communicate about our project and its results and how to reach out to Policy-Makers. Although it was a shame we could not meet face to face, it was in all an informative and satisfactory meeting. For those interested, please download the presentation about ''The future of Work in Europe'' or about ''Reinventing Social Welfare''.