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  • How will robotics, AI and big data shape European societies?

    Current technological innovations in robotics, artificial intelligence, data and computing power are nothing short of revolutionary. These developments invite many pressing societal questions. ​How will work change? Will jobs be destroyed? What new jobs will be created? What skills should we learn? Can everybody master these skills? How should they best be taught?

    But also: who will benefit most from these technological developments? How do inequalities change? Are social groups affected differently? And, importantly, what can governments do to cushion technological inequalities?

    TECHNEQUALITY brings together a multidisciplinary group of leading scholars from Europe's most renowned universities and research institutes to answer these questions and work with policy-makers to co-create policies that work.

  • Social Media

  • News

    Technequality Scientific Conference 25-26 November - Please join via the links in the program

    During the conference the projects' latest papers will be presented and discussed.

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    Newsletter 5 - April 2021

    In this 5th newslettter, we subscribe one of our new deliverables, we look back upon our webinars in January and we announce our new, joined Twitter account. 

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    Technequality Second Webinar Series - presentations

    • The robot revolution and it's consequences for our tax basis and social mobility.
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    Technequality Second Webinar series, Webinar 3: 30 June 2021, 12.00 - 13.00h CET

    This is the third webinar of a series of three. If you wish to attend, please send an email to and we will send you an invitation with a link to the meeting.

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  • Projects

    04 Reinventing social welfare

    Welfare state solutions may ensure that tech revolutions don't lead to mass unemployment and inequality, but what are the consequences?

    More countries than ever before are showing interest in the idea of a basic income and several are preparing...

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    05 Understanding consequences for public finances

    Across Europe, automation may lead to a fall in taxable wage income. What are the consequences for public finances at a local and regional level?

    In many European countries, income tax and collective contributions make up a considerable part o...

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    06 Is this time really different?

    Machines may go from being tools to workers. Will they then start to outcompete us? How do today's tech revolutions compare to previous ones? 

    Some predict that the impact of current waves of automation and robotics on the labour market is subs...

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